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Housing Committee

VICE PRESIDENT: Lanita Hillen, Housing Commission of Anne Arundel County

The Housing Committee is responsible for a broad range of legislative, regulatory, administrative, appropriations, and grant-related issues.  Its sphere of activity extends to a wide range of housing-related programs, including, but not limited to, RAD, Public Housing, Section 8 tenant-based programs, and Section 8 project-based programs.  These policies and actions further the goal of providing adequate and affordable housing for low- and moderate-income families.

Member Services Committee 

VICE PRESIDENT: Gary J. Centinaro, CMPO Housing Authority of the City of Beverly

The Member Services Committee’s goal is to achieve member satisfaction and grow NAHRO by providing networking opportunities, membership outreach, current technology, quality customer service, and recognition of excellence.  The Committee serves the interests of the members that cut across program and professional lines and represents the concerns of special interest groups within the membership including emerging leaders, minorities, commissioners and women.

Commissioners Committee

VICE PRESIDENT: Dorothy Carty-Daniel, Perth Amboy Housing Authority

Commissioners have the unique ability to advocate for and to be effective spokespersons for programs, policies and resources that are necessary to address local housing and community development needs in their respective communities. Commissioners are encouraged to become industry “Ambassadors” in their communities and wherever possible at the state and national levels. Committee members support a wide range of meaningful advocacy opportunities and encourage their colleagues to make a case for viable and sustainable communities to the general public, governmental agencies, elected representatives at all levels of government and the media.

Professional Development Committee

VICE PRESIDENT: Diane Haislip,  Housing Commission of Anne Arundel County

The Professional Development Committee focuses on areas of career identification and advancement, provides guidance to MARC NAHRO leadership on training and education products and services, and seeks to enhance the professionalism of members and housing and community development practitioners generally.

International Research and Global Exchange Committee (IRGE)

VICE PRESIDENT: Don E. Bibb, Housing Commission of Talbot

The IRGE Committee promotes and shares global exchanges of information and develops relationships that assist NAHRO membership and all those engaged in the development and operation of housing and community development programs.  IRGE committee members serve as NAHRO’s ambassadors for good will, relationship building and information sharing with organizations with a similar mission around the world.

Community Revitalization and Development Committee (CR&D)



The Community Revitalization and Development Committee deliberates upon a wide range of community development issues related to the economic vitality of cities and the development and conservation of neighborhoods.  The Committee examines administrative, legislative, regulatory and funding matters within community development programs and operations.

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